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Disease ENEMA
Treatment This procedure is required very often in general practice to relieve constipation, particularly in the elderly. The general practitioner may train his assistant to give enema, but in close family patients he has to give it himself, often at the patients home.

1.    Simple soap water enema:

Collect enema catheter, Vaseline, gauze pieces Enema can with 500 ml soap solution, kidney tray. Soap solution should be lukewarm (41°C)

Place a Mcintosh on the cot, and make the patient lie in left lateral position, with lower leg straight and upper leg folded over the abdomen. patient should be close the edge of the bed.

Cover the legs, keeping only anus exposed.

Wear Gloves. Lubricat the catheter tip with Vaseline over a guaze piece, connect the catheter to the enema can & run some water into the kidneytray – to drive air out of the catheter.

Gently insert the catheter 3” into the anal opening. Asking patient to breathe deeply through open mouth will help to relax the anus.

Hold or hand the enema can, at a height of 1 ½ i.e. 18” abov the level of anus. If there is discomfort, lower it slightly & let the solution flow slowly let 500ml of soap water solution flow into the rectum. Hold the buttocks together to avoid leakage.

Now pinch the catheter & pull it out, and send the patient to the latrine. If patient is bedridden, bedpan must be provided immediately.

Remember: Do not give simple enema if patient has abdominal distension or significant tenderness over the abdomen.

2. Glycerine syringe:

Glycerine lubricates the faeces and gently stimulates defaecation. It avoids the strong contractions & cramps associated ith soapwater enema.


After inserting the enema catheter, it is connected to a funnel, and 30ml of glycerine is poured through it.

3. Readymade enemas like Neotonic Enema:

Very simple to administer. You can teach the patient to use it himself


Open the lid, Lubricate the tip with Vaseline, introduce the tip gently into the anus – in left lateral position, press the contents into the anus. When the plastic bulb s empty, remove the nozzle and dispose it off.


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