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Disease RABIES
Quotation “Take head of younder dog!Look, when he fawns he bites, and when he bites, His venom tooth will rankle to the death. Have not to do with him, beware of him Sin, death and hell have set their marks on him”

A fatal illness caused by the rabies virus and transmitted to human beings by the bite of an infected animal

Prognosis A fatal illness. (6 cases of recovery recorded in world literature, after heroic measures, and 4 of these with permanent neurologic deficits)
Prevention Guidelines for Rabies prophylaxis would appear to depend upon a)       Knowledge of animal species involved b)       Circumstances of bite or other exposurec)       Vaccination status of the animal and d)       Presence and extent of rabies in the region. (A Practical Approach to infectious Diseases, 4th Edition Reese R>E & Betts R.F., Little Brown and Company) In India, with 1)       a large infected stray dog population and observation of a dog subsequent to the bite difficult, 2)       months old puppies having been found infected and 3)       immunization of pet dogs by owners uncertain, --- following the guidelines given for countries like America, Australia or Europe (where the incidence of rabies in dogs Is much less) may be inadequate. Waiting for 10days observing the dog before deciding on therapy could be dangerous if the incubation period is short.  According to an article published in the international Journal of Infectious Diseses/Volume 1, Number x, January 1997, pertaining to countries akin to India, “it is mandatory to start treatment and discontinue it after a dog remains healthy or has been found to be laboratory negative for rabies”.  Dealt under 3 headings I) Management of wound. ii) Post-exposure immunization. Iii) Pre-exposure immunization.
Reference From Website: www.nbi-kzn.org.za/interest/contrabi.html


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